Member-only story
Can You Stop Those Self-Sabotaging Thoughts To Become More Powerful?
A follow-up to my friend’s self-defeating thoughts. A lesson for us.
My friend Carol was stunned to learn she had been entirely wrong when she felt snubbed by her pickleball friends.
Carol had been 100% convinced these friends made plans to play and intentionally did not invite her. This scene repeated itself several times in the following days.
Though hurt and sad, Carol summoned up her resolve and decided the heck with them. “I’ll pretend this rejection doesn’t bother me. Sure, maybe I’m a big baby about this, but I’ll continue despite this slight,” was her decision. These rejections were thoughts she embraced as fact.
At league, the following day, one of the “perpetrators” went out of her way to initiate a conversation with Carol. This woman was one that Carol considered a friend. That was a kind gesture, Carol admitted.
As she was leaving the league courts, another one of the snubbing group mentioned that a few of them were going to lunch, and “why don’t you join us?” she proposed to Carol. Although happily surprised, Carol declined as she had another appointment — yet she was filled with relief by this invite.