Eva Mendes Is Beautiful, Smart, and Sober

She's very private and sensitive about her alcohol-free life.

Diana Leotta
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Eva Mendes wonders what's the fascination with people being interested in celebrities' lives.

I'm curious as they lead lives that are more exciting in many ways than mine.

I've never been invited to the Academy Awards, Grammys, or Golden Globe. I'm sure I'll never be.

I don't own a home in Malibu overlooking the Pacific or another in France and the Bahamas.

I don't know where Eva lives or how many homes or award shows she's been to, but she's beautiful, talented, and a partner (lately rumored to be the wife) to Ryan Gosling.

Most of all, I'm curious why these stars fell into addiction and how they climbed out of it and back into sobriety.

Eva — a public figure

Evan Mendes is a mother, actress, model, and fashion designer.

In 2008, Eva entered Cirque Lodge, a drug and alcohol detox center in Utah, for rehab due to her alcohol abuse.

She is sensitive and private about her life yet speaks about her recovery.

She admitted to her alcohol addiction and faced it head-on.



Diana Leotta
Diana Leotta

Written by Diana Leotta

Retired from work, not from life. Musings on Life, Living and Learning. Always curious. Strong55plus@blogspot.com.

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