How Quitting Alcohol Changed My Life: A Tale of Mixed Emotions

The good, the bad, and the ugly will show up — we must deal with it.

Diana Leotta
4 min readJust now
You’ve got to feel and accept it to get through it. Licensed by

I’ve been sober for over six years. I’m thrilled with that accomplishment and have zero regrets about quitting drinking.

Rather, I’m thrilled, grateful, and proud to have achieved sobriety.

Does that mean I’m happy and positive all the time? Hell, no.

What has happened is that I’m no longer numbing my uncomfortable feelings with alcohol, so I’m bare. My emotions are varied and ebb and flow, and I have to deal with them.

This is good. It’s much better than dousing them with alcohol and expecting to discover a solution for whatever current issue has arisen.

A Look Back to Pre-sober Days

Often, I’d feel angry that others could drink one glass of wine and not finish it. What’s up with that? What’s the point of even ordering, especially at the prices today — $12 a 5-ounce pour at most places, minimum?

Anger can be a step in accepting sobriety. I was ticked off that I couldn’t or didn’t want to stop drinking when others were ready to. I was mad I wasn’t like them.



Diana Leotta

Retired from work, not from life. Musings on Life, Living and Learning. Always curious.