Stephen King Generously Shares His Passion and Tips for Writing

This man went through hell with alcohol and drugs and is here to talk about it.

Diana Leotta
6 min readJul 23, 2024

I love Stephen King.

I am smitten with his humor, honesty, wit, passion, and courage.

Despite my fondness for the writer, I was not a fan of his books. I read The Shining and Cujo at the coaxing of a good friend, a faithful follower.

However, both novels scared the hell out of me, and I haven’t picked up another piece of his fiction again.

Since submitting articles to Medium, I have been eager to learn all I can about writing.

I was not an English major, nor had I taken creative writing classes. I’m a rookie in the Third Third of my life, retired, and enjoying telling my story and those of others.

My son enjoys writing, too, and had Stephen King’s non-fiction/memoir On Writing on his bookshelf. I borrowed it and read it nightly until my sleepy eyes closed.


Stephen King wrote his first story and submitted it to Spacemen magazine, promptly rejecting it. His second story wasn’t — In a Half-World of Terror was published in a horror magazine. He was in his teens when his writing career began.



Diana Leotta

Retired from work, not from life. Musings on Life, Living and Learning. Always curious.